What is Full-Bleed Printing and Why Does a Person Need It?

bleedprintingOne of the most common file design errors that we have seen would be forgetting to design for full bleed printing. What is full bleeding printing? Full bleed printing refers to edge-to-edge printing, where you print and you file design touches at the sheet’s edges. How can you tell if you have this error? If you cannot draw a white margin on all four edges, then you have to design extra bleeds for your printing. Full-bleed printing has been used for many types of printing. For example, business cards, flyers, brochures, posters and magazines all use full bleed printing. Things that do not need a full bleed print include manuals, forms, presentations and proposals. Why do you need full bleed printing? You need this because of the fundamental problem of having a limited printable area. If you want full bleed printing, however, it is not difficult. The way you do it is to design and print a larger image and trim off the edge. Still have questions about full bleed printing? For more information on full bleed printing, contact our copier experts in Minneapolis. We have the expertise to assist customers with maximizing their print quality while lowering their printing costs. Businesses cannot afford to miss out on this information!
